Sunday, June 12, 2011

What we need to hear is...

Your job is to follow your dreams...

Don't quit your job.


     A Page a Day Writing Challenge: Day 1

     The day itself started off great! I spent some time with my family, and though I longed for my keyboard the ENTIRE time, I know from experience that staring at a computer screen won't get anything written no matter how much I want it. I need stimulation and experiences, and spending the afternoon with family definitely does that! I am blessed that they are such larger than life characters, each one more unique and vibrant. 
     That being said, my daughter left to spend a couple fun summer days with her other grandparents, and my husband was working this weekend, so I had a lot of spare time on my hands. I did a bit more than one page today, and I finally finished the working outline for the story I'm working on. 
     Here's a hint... it's fiction. I know, I'm really narrowing it down for you! You can thank me later. Maybe I'll post more of a teaser for Day 2.

     Daring Accomplishment for the Day:

     I have been freelance writing for a while, and I have done fairly well with my own little business, but I have never actually made a writer's resume. With a few prospective jobs asking for them, I decided now was a good a time as any. I kept it simple, and I will definitely do a post on the topic soon!
     What's the accomplishment, though?
     Well, I submitted my application to join the many writers at Demand Media. Cross your fingers for me! I read a post on the blog, Orange Raspberry Lemonade (hee- the name makes me giggle), from August of 2010 reviewing two freelance websites for writers, and I have been checking them both out. Hopefully, the experience at Demand will be positive and lucrative!

1 comment:

  1. Fiction, I guess that cuts a lot out. But it isn't exactly narrow!

    Good luck with your application!
